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Switching to wool cloth diaper covers and longies is easy once you know how to care for them quickly.
A friend introduced me to cloth diapers and specifically wool covers but I was intimidated by the cost of them and the perceived difficulties of washing them. Since then I have learned how easy it. In how to wash cloth diaper covers and longies I will walk you through the steps of washing wool covers. It is so easy my four year old can almost do it herself.
What do I need to do get to wash wool cloth diaper covers or longies?
To wash wool cloth diaper covers or longies you need:
A wash basin or tub
Wool Diaper covers or longies
How long does it take to wash them?
I always plan for a whole day to wash them, though almost all of the times is hands off time. It takes between 15-30 minutes of hands on time.
Is it hard to wash wool cloth diaper covers and longies?
No, it is really easy to wash them and children love to help with it.
What can ruin wool cloth diaper covers and longies?
The main things that can ruin wool cloth diaper covers and longies is leaving them wet and in a non-breathable container or bag so that they mold, using too hot of water or too much agitation causing them to felt together and shrink or letting your dog eat them.
How to wash wool cloth diaper covers and longies:
Gather all of your wool cloth diaper covers and longies. This is made easier if as they get dirty you keep them together in a breathable laundry basket such as this: wicker basket
Fill your wash basin or tub with 3-5 inches of lukewarm water and 2 TBS of castile soap
Put all of your wool covers and longies into the water and gently agitate them in the water, children love to help with this.
Let the diaper covers soak for 30 minutes or a few hours depending on your schedule
Gently squeeze out all of the water that you can, DO NOT WRING them! Wringing them can cause felting and/or cause them to become misshapen
Drain the water and refill your basin/tub with another 3-5 inches of lukewarm water
Add to the water 1 cap full of your wool wash or the recommended amount if using a different brand of wool wash
Place woolens into the water and again gently agitate them. Frequently the water will turn color within a minute or so. Let them soak for another 30 minutes.
Gently squeeze out all of the water you can. Place them in a bucket or container while draining the water out of the basin/tub.
Fill tub again with 3-5 inches of lukewarm water and place woolens into it and gently agitate. Let them soak for 10 minutes.
If water appears to be fairly clean then you are done. If the water is dirty repeat steps 9 and 10 to do another rinse.
After squeezing out all of the water place the woolens in your washing machine and put on the spin/drain cycle.
Remover woolens and hang them to dry. You can use a clothesline, putting them on the edge of your laundry basket or using an indoor clothing drying rack.
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