Using this cultured buttermilk recipe to make the most delicious buttermilk ever! Cultured buttermilk is the corner stone for many kinds of cheese and fermented dairy products. Not to mention essential for making ranch, buttermilk pancakes and biscuits.
In our area Walmart is the only store that carries cultured buttermilk and frequently they are out of it. So being able to make buttermilk not only saves time and money but also is sometimes the only way to get buttermilk
What Is Cultured Buttermilk?
Cultured buttermilk is milk or buttermilk that has been fermented with either a powdered starter or some liquid cultured buttermilk.
Is There A Difference Between Cultured Buttermilk and Regular Buttermilk?
Yes. When you make homemade butter you drain off uncultured buttermilk which you can then culture to make cultured buttermilk.
Can I Use My Cultured Buttermilk To Start Another Batch?
Yes and I do. The rule of thumb is that you can use your cultured buttermilk to start a new batch for the times. Meaning you can use your starter to make batch A, use batch A to make batch B, use B to make batch C, and finally use C to make D.
How Do I Know If My Buttermilk Is Bad?
Well if it has mold on it/in it throw it out. If it smells rotten, throw it out. It should smell slightly fermented but not gross. Any color change is not good.
Now I Have Some Wonderful Cultured Buttermilk Now What?
Well you can use that cultured buttermilk to make some absolutely amazing sour cream. Use it with your whole wheat pancake mix, use it to make ranch (my kick butt recipe coming soon).
How To Make Sour Cream With Cultured Buttermilk
To make sour cream place 1/4 cup of cultured buttermilk into a quart jar and fill the rest with cream. Shake well and place somewhere warm out of direct sunlight. Let it ferment and culture for 12-24 hours until it thickens.
Cultured Buttermilk Recipe Using Powdered Culture
Simply place your quart of whole milk or buttermilk on the counter and sprinkle with your packet of buttermilk culture (either this one from New England Cheese Making Co. or this one from Cultures For Life). Let it sit for 5 minutes and then shake well. Let your buttermilk culture on the counter in a warm spot out of direct sunlight for 12-24 hours. You are looking for it to thicken into almost a yogurt consistency. Label and store in the refrigerator.
Cultured Buttermilk Recipe Using Cultured Buttermilk
Start with 1/4 cup of cultured buttermilk (either homemade or store bought) add more whole milk or buttermilk to fill a quart jar. Shake well and place in a warm place out of direct sunlight for 12-24 hours. It should thicken into a constancy similar to yogurt. Label and store in the refrigerator for up to 3 weeks.
Cultured Buttermilk Recipe
- 1 quart whole milk or buttermilk
- 1/4 cup of cultured buttermilk or 1 packet of buttermilk culture
- Combine the starter or culture with the milk or buttermilk
- Shake and sit in a warm place out of direct sunlight for 12-24 hours. Until it thickens into a yogurt like constancy.
- Store in the refigerator for up to 3 weeks.
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